Disadvantaged Communities – Single-Family Solar Homes
This program enables income-qualified homeowners in DACs to receive no-cost rooftop solar installations. Program evaluation information is at the bottom of this page under “Events and Documents”. DAC-SASH is run by GRID Alternatives and is currently accepting applications. Visit GRID Alternatives' website to see if you qualify and to apply.
Access to renewable energy can often be out of reach for low-income households. According to America’s electric cooperatives, low-income household energy burdens are 2 to 3 times higher than those of median-income households. An important part of our work is to explore ways of expanding our outreach to underserved communities to ensure that solar energy is accessible and affordable to all households.
We have partnered with GRID Alternatives, a national non-profit, on a pilot program aimed to assist low-income homeowners attain access to solar energy. Our program will assist with roof repairs & replacements for homeowners who face obstacles in going solar.
GRID Alternatives has been selected as the administrator of the Disadvantaged Communities – Single-Family Solar Homes (DAC-SASH) program. This California state program provides $8.5 million in incentives annually to help homeowners in disadvantaged communities go solar.
What is the DAC-SASH Program?
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has approved the DAC-SASH program to increase the adoption of clean, affordable solar by residential customers living in disadvantaged communities. The DAC-SASH program runs through 2030, and is modeled after California’s long-standing and successful Single-family Affordable Solar Homes (SASH) program. The CPUC has more information about solar programs for disadvantaged communities available on their website.
To qualify for DAC-SASH, homeowners must live in one of the top 25 percent most disadvantaged communities statewide using the CalEnviroScreen, and be a billing customer of Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE), or San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E). Homeowners must also meet income qualifications as denoted by annual CARE and FERA guidelines. See the CPUC website for more information about income limits.
The DAC-SASH program integrates job training opportunities into every project, creating ladders of opportunity for individuals from all backgrounds to access well-paid jobs in California’s solar industry, and ensuring lasting community impact.
GRID is accepting applications to DAC-SASH through our Energy for All Program. The Energy for All Program bundles state funding for solar with other local incentives and private philanthropy to make solar technology available at low to no cost to our clients.
Goals of the DAC-SASH Program:
Maximize financial savings for low-income households in economically and environmentally disadvantaged communities.
Enhance long-term economic self-sufficiency in low-income communities by providing community members with access to green jobs training and solar employment opportunities.
Ensure consumer protection and long-term participant benefit.
Provide education on energy efficiency and existing programs that can provide further benefits to families.
Ensure robust participation and access for households in PG&E, SCE, and SDG&E territories.
See if you qualify. Find out about job training.
Already had solar installed with us? Visit our Homeowner Support page to learn more about how to maintain the solar system and maximize your energy savings.
The Disadvantaged Communities - Single-family Solar Homes (DAC-SASH) program, modeled after the Single-family Affordable Solar Homes (SASH) Program, provides assistance in the form of up-front financial incentives for the installation of rooftop solar generating systems. The incentives provided through DAC-SASH assist low-income DAC customers in overcoming barriers to the installation of onsite solar energy, such as lack of capital or credit needed to finance a solar installation.
The DAC-SASH program also incorporates job training objectives to promote green-collar jobs in low-income communities and to develop a trained workforce that will foster a sustainable solar industry in California. Through a competitive solicitation, GRID Alternatives was selected to serve as the statewide program administrator for the DAC-SASH program. GRID's DAC-SASH Program Handbook and Program Implementation Plan were approved by the CPUC in Resolution E-5020 on September 12, 2019, signaling the official launch of the DAC-SASH program.
The DAC-SASH Program January 2022 Semi-Annual Progress Report which provides detailed information on the program's progress in each of the three service territories in California. Please visit GRID's DAC-SASH website to apply to DAC-SASH and learn more about program implementation.
Search by address on the State's CES 4.0 map, to determine geographic eligibility.
As directed by CPUC Decision (D.) 15-01-027 and D.18-06-027, Evergreen Economics and Brightline Group are conducting an evaluation of DAC-SASH, and its predecessor program SASH, beginning in winter 2021 and are expected to complete their reports in the summer 2022. Updates on the evaluation process are below under the “Events & Documents” section. Notifications are sent to R.12-11-005 and R.14-07-002 service lists.
Highlights and milestones for the Program through January, 2022 include:
Over 1,130 PV systems have been installed and interconnected across all three utility territories.
In total these projects have or will receive approximately $14.2 million in incentives and represent 3.95 MW of solar capacity.
The program has referred over 1,932 low-income homeowners to the utilities' Energy Savings Assistance Program (ESA), of which 659 (34%) enrolled in the program.